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AltaLinkers Break The Bias on International Women’s Day

On International Women’s Day and throughout the month of March, we’re celebrating all of the women that inspire us and help to Break The Bias. We were able to sit down with a few women at AltaLink to hear about their careers and learn how they work to Break The Bias each day, about what motivates them. 

Reshma Saini – Human Resources Advisor, Compensation

What do you love about your job?

I love working with people and numbers. I really enjoy that I get to learn something new all the time and that every situation is unique. I also really like that I am able to take a lot of the skills that I have learned from my previous positions and use them in this role.

How do you help to #BreakTheBias?

I help to #BreakTheBias by being confident in my skills and area of expertise and knowing that I have the right to be in the room and part of conversations just as much as anyone else.

What keeps you motivated?

My daughter keeps me motivated. I want to keep striding forward and breaking down the bias for her.

Karen McGlone Director, Regulatory, Litigation and Economics

What do you love about your job?

I am always learning something new. Sometimes, there is the concern that when you move from private practice to an in-house lawyer, you might end up doing the same type of work over-and-over again. This is not the case at AltaLink. I have a diverse practice where I am able to work on litigation, project regulatory work, and advise on some pretty cutting-edge issues in the electricity sector.

How do you help to #BreakTheBias?

I help to #BreakTheBias by looking for opportunities to proactively advocate for other women, and ensure they are given opportunities. Making sure a great job gets recognized, not just by myself, but others in the organization is also important.

What keeps you motivated?

Doing a good job keeps me motivated. I like to be able to solve a problem and create well written submissions. It feels great when another party favourably quotes something you wrote. My family also keeps me motivated. 

Carly Duerr  Director, Capital Replacement and Upgrade (CRU) Projects

What do you love about your job?

I recently changed jobs and I have been leading the CRU Projects team for almost a month. Capital Replacement and Upgrades is currently our largest capital program at $150 million in capital expenditures annually. I’m loving working with a new team, getting to know the people, and building relationships. The work our team does needs the support of many individuals and teams in the organization to be successful, so I’m excited to be working with different teams across the organization to improve processes and achieve common goals.

How do you help to #BreakTheBias?

I #BreaktheBias by challenging misogyny and sexism whenever I encounter it. Change starts one conversation at a time. 

What keeps you motivated?

My kids keep me motivated. I have two boys aged four and two. I feel an immense responsibility to not only set an example for them, but to also raise good boys and men that will be allies to those who don’t have the same privileges as they do.

Diana Borak – Auditor and Risk Advisor

What do you love about your job?

I love that I get to learn about the entire company. I’m always working on something new and different, and I get to meet so many great people. My team is super collaborative, and I am constantly learning from them!

How do you help to #BreakTheBias?

I help to #BreakTheBias by attending our Employee Resource Groups and listening and learning from others who have different experiences from me. Striving for an equitable future involves understanding and recognizing that while we are all different, we are on this journey together.

What keeps you motivated?

Adding value to the organization is really motivating. When I can work with our business units to find process improvements or new ways of meeting their goals, it’s a great feeling.

Miranda Pepper  Substation Engineer

What do you love about your job?

I really like the people I work with – everyone is kind and very willing to help. I enjoy the new challenges that come with new regulations or Alberta Utilities Commission decisions, and I enjoy having to problem solve and figure out new ways to get things done.

How do you help to #BreakTheBias?

I help to #BreakTheBias by doing my best to ensure everyone has a voice during meetings and conversations. I always try to ensure I go back to someone to allow them to voice their opinion or finish their comment if they’ve been interrupted.

What keeps you motivated?

Learning keeps me motivated. As long as I am learning, I’m motivated and happy. I’m also motivated by new challenges. Whether that is trying to grow a new vegetable, learn a new song on piano or figuring out the best way to implement a new program at work.

Christa-Lee Sowerby – Senior Communications Advisor

What do you love about your job?

I really enjoy all of the people that I’m able to work with. In my role, I’m able to learn about all of the different areas of our business and have met some inspiring people along the way.

How do you help to #BreakTheBias?

I help to #BreakTheBias by showing up with an open mind, open ears, and open heart. I also think not being afraid to try new things and saying yes to new opportunities helps to break inequality and stereotypes. 

What keeps you motivated?

I always want to be proud of the work that I do, so doing a good job, and striving to learn and grow along the way keeps me motivated.