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In the Community

Working Around Power Lines

Working around power lines

AltaLink operates approximately 13,400 kilometres of transmission lines and 310 substations. Our transmission lines are located on rights-of-way, in road allowances, or on highway rights-of-way. 

If you are planning work within an AltaLink right-of-way, or in proximity to AltaLink lines or substations, then a crossing agreement or other written approval may be required.

Whether or not approval or coordination is required to support your activities or development depends on the scope and location of your work. We recommend that you contact AltaLink if your plan includes: 

  • Constructing buildings, street lights, or other objects within 30 metres of an AltaLink transmission line 
  • Storage of material or vehicles within 30 metres of an AltaLink transmission line  
  • Excavating or adding fill material within 20 metres of an AltaLink transmission tower, or within 10 metres of AltaLink utility poles, anchors, or underground transmission lines 
  • Work activities which involve equipment operating within 15 metres of an AltaLink transmission pole or tower, or which may come within 7 metres of an AltaLink overhead transmission line 
  • Activities crossing through, or within an AltaLink easement, right-of-way, or lease 
  • Moving overheight loads (over 5.3 metre tall) under an AltaLink transmission line on a public road or highway

Local electricity distributors


Report an outage in Calgary:


24-hour emergency hotline:
310-WIRE (310-9473)


Report a power emergency in Edmonton:

ATCO Electric

24-hour emergency hotline:

Request for crossing agreement

In order to request a crossing agreement, approval, or some other coordination for proposed activities or development, please fill out the Right-of-Way Application Form (PDF). The form, along with relevant plans and other information can be sent to 3rdpartyrequests@altalink.ca.

Several factors are taken into consideration during the review process, including: 

  • Your safety and the safety of others 
  • The reliability of the electrical system, and the need to ensure that AltaLink has unrestricted access to its transmission facilities  
  • Future requirements for additions, modifications, and maintenance of the transmission line 
  • The rights and obligations of both the landowner and AltaLink outlined in the Right-of-Way Agreement 

Depending on the type of work you are doing, additional details may be required to support AltaLink review of your project.

Ground disturbance

Additionally, before completing any excavation or ground disturbance in Alberta, you must request location services through Utility Safety Partners to identify buried infrastructure and take appropriate precautions.

Work activities

If your work activities are on AltaLink substation lands, within an AltaLink easement or right-of-way, or  in proximity to AltaLink’s transmission infrastructure, then we want to ensure that your work can be completed safely and in accordance with Alberta Occupational Health and Safety rules. Depending on the nature of your work, we may require some additional information in order to comment:

  • For equipment/access crossings under transmission lines, please identify the crossing location and height of your equipment.
  • For work areas which will cross or encroach on AltaLink lines, or are within 30 metres of an AltaLink transmission line centerline, please provide a plan drawing outlining the extents of your work area and a description of the work.

Development activities

Different infrastructure and related construction activities may require different information for AltaLink to review:

  • For linear infrastructure (such as pipelines, roadways, utilities, and rail crossings), please provide the location of the proposed facility in relation to the AltaLink line. Additionally, please provide the a summary of facility details (elevations, operating pressure or voltage etc.)
  • For construction of buildings, street lights, signage, and other objects, please provide the location and dimensions of the proposed building/object, and measurements from the AltaLink transmission line to the nearest part(s) of the proposed building/object.
  • For significant grade changes (such as subdivisions, commercial developments, mines, drainage & flood mitigation etc.), please provide a plan drawing detailing the extents of the work area, which includes proposed elevations. If available, please provide in a digital format (for example a .DXF file or XML surface).
  • For parks, recreational areas, and other green space, please provide a plan drawing (or sketch) which includes the location of any planned pathways, vegetation, and landscaping features.

Relocation of transmission lines

If AltaLink lines are on or adjacent to your land, and you would like to inquire about relocating the lines to allow for development or some other change in land use, please contact us. Relocation a line is possible, but due to the nature of transmission infrastructure and costs, the lead times may be significant. If you need AltaLink’s input on a potential line move, we will need the following information: 

  • What is the nature of the conflict? What specifically would you like to construct or develop and where? 
  • Do you have a new location in mind for AltaLink’s poles/towers? 
  • When are you hoping to have this work completed by?

If you believe you have not received a satisfactory response through your normal contacts, or you do not know who to call, please contact: 

Toll Free: 1-877-267-1453
Email: StakeholderRelations@AltaLink.ca

High load moves

Most of AltaLink’s transmission lines are designed to accommodate vehicles up to 5.3 metres tall where roads and highways are crossed. If you will be travelling with a load exceeding 5.3 metres tall, you will need to obtain a permit from Alberta Transportation

As per the Alberta Electrical Utility Code, you will also need to contact AltaLink if the total vehicle and load height exceeds 5.3 metres. AltaLink representatives will work with you to schedule your move and develop a plan to accommodate the high load move.

Please be aware that we typically require at least 10 business days notice to schedule a high load move. In addition, if your move requires a transmission line outage, up to 6 weeks notice may be required.

Please fill out the high load move request form and submit it to highloadmoves@altalink.ca. You can also contact us at 403-815-7524 regarding high load moves.