AltaLink’s existing 799L transmission line is a single circuit 138 kilovolt (kV) line constructed in 1964. Portions of the line have reached the end of their lifecycle and need to be rebuilt to improve the safe and reliable operation of the line for years to come.
Additionally, the 799L transmission line was identified in AltaLink’s wildfire mitigation plan as a top ignition-causing line. Our wildfire mitigation plan includes strengthening our system and making proactive safety improvements so that it is less likely to contribute to wildfires. The proposed rebuild, along with other work on the 799L transmission line, will address the risks identified in the wildfire mitigation plan.
The existing 799L transmission line is located between the Sagitawah Substation, approximately six kilometres southeast of Whitecourt, and Entwistle. This proposed project involves rebuilding approximately 50 kilometres of the 77-kilometre transmission line.